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Thinking Too Much or Not Enough
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The past week just sorta zoomed by me, but this is becoming more and more of a common occurance than just an occaisional thing. I've been thinking a lot lately, so I've felt distracted with a lot of my usual routine things. For the non routine things, I've been a little distracted as well.

The MTA strike has made a bit of a mess of things, but I'm not as bad off as I thought I would be. Erik takes me pretty much everywhere random I need to go when he's not busy or at work, Lisa's been taking me to work as I'm pretty much on her way anyways, and I walk damn near everywhere else anyways so there's really no change. Speaking of which, I'm taking a walk to run some errands as soon as I'm done with this.

I've drawn the conclusion that work should not be stressfull to me, at all, in the least bit. I cannot make irate customer's happy when the company has worked long and hard to make things difficult on them, I cannot keep people motivated to the level I would like them to be after they have been bounced around so much and are hanging by threads as it is. I shouldn't even worry about it. I get a lot of time to work on other things that matter, and the rest of my time is spent on things that in all reality just don't. I'm okay with my current boss, who has a healthy, good natured, take it as it comes but don't fret about it too much attitude, gives it to us straight, and is very realist with expectations from a company having financial difficulties. I'll remain committed as long as I'm needed and as long as it is of benefit to me, but I don't plan on extending that past this year or above and beyond finding something better next year.

I'm really looking forward to next month. I get to shrug off all extraneous activities and write. I'm going to see if I can do better with a set in stone goal set before me rather than my own goals written in pencil. NaNoWriMo. Woo!

I've got to get back to more prep for my big game tonight. It's at the UCLA campus, and I'm expecting it to be fairly big due to ICC being next week, being the first local game the aftermath from Austrailia's ICC, and the only local game with any sort of Anarch game going on. I've only had a few games actually get big, most have been pretty small. I've been thinking about storytelling a lot lately. I'm getting the hang of it, but it's got it's pros and cons. I'm apprehensive about being a local storyteller when there is so much worldwide going on in the game as we rev up for the Year Of Fire (White Wolf is bringing Gehenna, the Apocalypse, and all other end of the world plots of the other venues to the Camarilla next year in hopes of something different). It's exciting, but a bit intimidating. I want to make the local game interesting without being swallowed up by outside plot, but am unsure how long I will be able to stave off such things. Also, I, as with everyone else, amd apprehensive about the new things that White Wolf will bring us, and whether they will be worth the same dedication we've put into the current chronicles. I'm hoping to still be interested enough to play, if only to keep better track of my friends who play. I hate losing track of people and although I'd like things to be different, some people I simply hardly see outside of game even though I adore them and their company immensely. A little on the lame side, I know, but that's what I get for living in LA and attracting so many dynamite friends.

*sigh* Spent way more time on this entry than I planned on, left some things out that I didn't plan on leaving out, some were even reasons why this entry started, but will post more later, giving certain things their own entry. I've got places to go, people to see, things to do.

Sending everyone my love.

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