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To The Life And Luck of Thea Rivera

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not exactly sure

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Okay, so I'm just not allowed to meet celebrities face to face at all. And when I do, I'm not allowed to open my mouth. Regardless of the brilliant vocabulary and witty dialog that if happening in my head at any given time, my mouth will 99% of the time refuse to play along.

That being said, Scott Bakula has got to be one of the nicest celebrities and nicest guys in general that I have ever met.

We went to see "I Do I Do" last night, which was a two person musical that he puts on with his SO (she was really good too), as a fund raiser. It was a one night show and wow, was it amazing. I was very impressed. After the show, we hung out for a bit. There was a small croud who was sticking around and we figured that might mean that he was going to come out. The crowd consisted of the Bakulettes (I am not sure if that's really their name or if Erik just made it up) which was a fan club, mostly women, excited and waiting.

Someone asked if we were waiting for the meet and greet. I piped up with, "Is there a meet and greet?" (Mental note #2, act like you know what's going on and that you're totally supposed to be there.) She pointed us towards the middle seats, and after a few more minutes, he came in.

He was just super nice to all of these people. There were so many flashes of cameras and he didn't even flinch. He took his time answering a lot of questions. He and his agent were really genuine. His agent gave his card to someone who has a son in Iraq so that they could make sure that they were able to get something to him, and Scott was very concerned with his safety. He took his time talking with a handicapped woman, and hugged a lot of people like they were old friends.

And then people got in line for autographs. iIt was almost midnight by this point, and he looked tired (just did a huge show before all of this) Erik was all cool and collected, and then... Thea opens her mouth...

So first, I embarass Erik by blabbing something about Scott being the reason that he went to film school. Sure, Erik has always been impressed with Scott, and he was an influence, but wow did I sound so gooberish and Fan Girl and it wasn't even my turn yet. *sigh* Scott was all smiles and thank yous. Erik wlaked off while Scott signed my program I didn't bring any merchandise, probably the only non Fan Girl thing about me) and I shook his hand and said thank you. A wheelchaor came up in the aisle so I got a little stuck behind him. I tried to think of something cool to say. "Think Thea, you've got a theater company starting, you do theater, you're more than a Fan Girl, you've got a chance to say something cool! Go!" He turns back around and the brilliant thing that came out of my mouth was "You're so lovely." To which he smiled and said thank you and hugged me.

Lovely? I don't even use that word.

I think I was channelling some Fan Girl from beyond, it must be the only explanation.

By the way, I'm not goiong to say too much more, but Star Wars Ep 3 rocked my socks. :)

That is all.

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