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To The Life And Luck of Thea Rivera

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It's been a while...
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Didn't realize how long it had been since I made an update until Eden mentioned something. I've been reading a lot of entries, and commenting on stuff, but hadn't put anything down for a while.

The whole work thing that I had mentioned many moons ago is just getting stranger. Yet again, I was certain that they'd have everything figured out, and finalized, and would have already cut me loose. I don't have anything for certain lined up, but several good leads and I am certain given the time and opportunity, can snag one up in a jiffy. At least, thats what I'm working on.

I'm just going to come to work till they tell me not to, or until I start somewhere else. The business behavior that I have been witness to since April 21st has got to be the most ridiculous I have ever encountered in my entire life, Including the wackyness of my last company.

My little trip to the con was great. Saw a bunch of stuff, played a bunch of games... but I'm going to post more about it later. Full details once this job is behind me, just to be safe. :)

Been trying to figure out ways to help my friend Russell find work and a stable place to live. Hopefully will be helping him with his resume tonight. He's grateful to have a place to stay right now, but it's unfortunately been really out of the way and he's still not quite comfortable with the area. I'm generally really good at finding solutions to problems like this, but I've been doing my own job hunting and job stressing. SO, the sucky thing has really been, I haven't really had a good focus on either major issue really.

Actually, come to think about it, my ability to focus on things has been really off. There are several things that I've been meaning to buckle down and do, but even when I have the time and planning, I simply find it hard to be at task with it. I've been wanting to do more job hunting, but instead have a list of links and a stack of papers. I've been wanting to work on my LARP characters, but I still haven't gotten around to reading up on the source material for the new settings and mechanics for the chronicles. I have a basic understanding, but sometimes I get spacy and feel lost during the game. I haven't involved myself in many a conversation about the game, and a few other things. Even stuff around the apartment don't get full attention.

I'm not real cool with being like this. I hate being in a funk. I know I can make it go away, I'm just annoyed that I've been dragging my feet on so much stuff.

It's probably just the fact that I have been knowingly "fired" yet still working, for a while now. My work ethic tells me to work hard as always, while my evil side tries to shoulder in and say "what are they going to do? fire you again?" and my bitter side just resents working for a client that does not want me here because my company just hasn't completed things yet. I don't think the position in the other office is going to pan out. Communication in general seems to be lacking in more than one area here.

There is good news though. Although we had to change the name of the production company, we're almost set to be filed as an NPO. Once we have NPO status, we can start getting money for stuff and then we can do lots of cool things. :) I'm going to be in charge of a lot and it's going to be very exciting once it gets going.

Weigh in tomorrow, and I think I may have like one whole pound to show for the month. Exercise has been kept up with, but I don't feel like I'm pushing myself all the time at Curves to get a good workout. Walking has gone down, and I was slacking in wearing my pedometer, have only started wearing it regularly again since Tuesday. It's the food part that has been the worse of it. I've been living off of junk fast food. I haven't done major grocery shopping for a very long time, we're talking at least a month, close to 2. It's on my list of things to do this weekend though.

My weekend is a little busy, I'll be house managing the afternoon shows at the theater. Never seen the show. Hope I remember everything. And I hope they don't pester me about dues. Sunday will be "The Great Job Hunt" in the evening with Russell and maybe a couple more if they're interested.

I can't decide whether I'm tired, restless, or listless.

I gues that about sums it up.

Except for the quotes of the day (thanks to bella!):

"Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come."

- Matt Groening

"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid."

- John Wayne

"Our greatest battles are that with our own minds."

- Jameson Frank

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