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Tea and Blueberries
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It's a wonder what a mountain blueberry Yoplait and a cup of tea can do to fend off the flurry of people buzzing around, some highly stressed and highly vocal, some hurried and grumbly, and then there’s some, one in particular, who pretty much pretend I’m not even here as they feel pretty uncomfortable with how this whole predicament was dealt with. Some people ask why I’m out here rather than at Help Desk, some do smile and chat a tiny bit, but it’s like I’ve created this weird vibe around me. I’m evidence of things gone awry. I’m here, but not really, and not for long. I’m sure people are thinking… “Can I be jovial around her? Is she too busy? Does she look bitter? I wonder who else is going to wind up like that?”

So far, there have been about a dozen internal listings that I’ve applied to. I’ve gotten responses to half of them. I have been under qualified, overqualified, overpaid, or late in applying so far.

Tomorrow will be the great Job Fair at the LA Convention Center. I’m hoping to make some good impressions there. I haven’t ever been to one of these so am not entirely sure what to expect, other than getting my resume into people’s hands.

I’ve got two other companies who are interested in me, American Express and McMaster-Carr Supply Company, and many other people that I hope to hear back from.

I’m not panicked… not yet. I’m fairly confident I will find something really soon. Official separation date for current company is Thursday, which is also payday, so I’m not freaking out about where rent will come. After that, I can do the whole unemployment if need be, though I never even collected on it before I got a job last time. I’m not going to say that I’ve been especially lucky, but as far luck is concerned, I do OK.  (Though I prolly just jinxed myself with that one)

HFC wants me to direct a show going up in a month. Part of me would really like to, part of me knows that I shouldn’t. It’s an interesting concept of a show, a collection of famous restaurant scenes, and I think I’d do a good job, but now is not the opportune “spend time and energy on other things that aren’t beneficial to job hunting” time. *sigh*

Weekend was pretty cool. Yesterday was Erik’s half-birthday, cause having a birthday the day after Christmas can have the tendency to suck. I snuck out in the early morning to get a German-chocolate cake, his favorite. I found myself wide awake at 6:30 Sunday morning, and didn’t really have much else to do but walk around and get cake. Sleep has eluded me a lot lately, but that’s nothing new.

Wednesday evening I was treated to a VIP show of the new Herbie movie, which I really enjoyed. The El Capitan had a whole musical stage show before the movie with some really good dancers. Erik was having a blast. We went to the Disney ice cream/soda fountain shop that just opened next door (replacing the original traditional Disney store) where I discovered something that was actually a bit too sweet for me, just a bit. (Those of you unfamiliar with my incredible gravitation towards anything sweet may not quite understand) They have a build-it-yourself sundae that you choose two kinds of ice-cream and three kinds of toppings. My ice creams were strawberry and peppermint, my toppings were caramel, pineapple sauce, and marshmallow sauce. The original understanding was that I ordered pineapples and marshmallows, and not three types of sauces, and it was pretty good, but I could totally not finish the whole thing for fear of sweetness OD.

Saturday was WtF game (WTF = Werewolf the Forsaken) and good dinner with many friends and birthday boy Jamin, who turned a whopping 21! Woot! Sunday after some work around the house, and cake with the boy, we got around to going to see Bewitched, which I laughed at pretty much the whole way through. I wasn’t allowed to watch the show when I was little, and have maybe seen an episode of the original. It is especially funny for people from LA, and people familiar with Hollywood culture, as it totally takes its shots. I dug it, though they could have resolved it a little better plot-wise and I felt a little cheated with the sub plots and secondary characters that felt introduced, slightly nurtured, then a little dropped by the end. (Wow, that’s so film-school talking right there, feel free to ignore and just have fun with the movie)

So that’s about it. Onward to another week in adventure!

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