A Peaceful Place To Be

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Swiped this from Netter and Lisa.

1. Name and middle name?

2. What holiday is your birthday closest to?
It's IS the most important one.

3. Favorite flavored Pie?
Dutch apple al a mode
4. Does it bother you when someone says they will call you and they dont?
Depends if I WANTED them to call.

5. Are you allergic to anything?

6. Is there something special you want for Christmas?
Thats a loaded question

7. When was the last time you went swimming?
2 years ago

8. Do you like cheesecake?
take it or leave it

9. How many of the U.S. states have you lived in?

10. Have you traveled outside the country?
Mexico and Japan

11. Do you keep a planner or calendar with daily events?
i keep one only because its on my phone but its empty

12. Does anyone like you?
That guy in the mirror

13. Do you have any strange pets?
Kinda. I have racoons and skunks living under my deck.

14. What is your dream car?
George jetson's

15. What did you do today?

16. Are you bipolar?
Yep. I have a north pole and a south pole.

17. What is the main ringtone on your cell?
The ringy one

18. Where would you want to go on a first date?
Depends on who its with

19. When is the last time you were hugged?
Don't stand so close to me.

20. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
Yes, people have sang to me. Me

21. How important is romance?
Whats that.

22. Have you ever bungee jumped?
Does rappelling count?

23. Have you ever been white water rafting?

24. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
there isn't anyone ten years older than me

25. Are you a cavity free kid?
Yes. my dentures are free of cavities

26. Are you an extreme racist?
No. I hate everyone equally. Just Kidding.

27. What song are you listening to right now?

28. What is your favorite song at the moment?
See no. 19

29. What was the last movie you watched?

30. Where was the last house you went besides your house?
Mother in law

31. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property?
I'll never tell

32. Have you ever been punched?
punched at. I tend to get out of the way.

33. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Their bank account. ;^)

34. Can you open a beer bottle with a body part other than your hand? my head but it tends to spill

35. What do you usually order from Olive Garden?

36. Say something totally random about yourself?
i'm totally random

37. Do you have an mp3 player?

38. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Yes. Alan Alda

39. Do you have freckles?

40. Are you comfortable with your height?
No, I'm very tall and afraid of heights

41. Do you love someone?
that guy in the mirror

42. How tall are you?
4" above the eyebrows

43. Do you speak any other language other than English?
No, and i dont do engrish berry gud ether.

44. How do you like your steak cooked?
on a grill

45. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?
passed a which way?

46. Do you watch MTV?

47. What is something that really annoys you?
people that think they know everything...really annoys those of us that do.

48. Have you talked with your parents about the birds and the bees?

49. What is the best thing in your refrigerator right now?

50. When is the last time you had professional pictures taken?

Taken where?

51. Do you have a crush on someone?
that guy in the mirror

52. Does that person like you back?

53. Do you drive when you go on long trips?

54. Whats the latest you have ever stayed up?
11:59. after that its early.

55. Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die?
yes. then someone told me that I can't take it with me so I decide I aint going.

56. Were you ever rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?

57. Have you broken a bone or had stitches?
7 stitches in the side of my face when I was seven and got dog bit.

58. Anyone on your mind right now?

59. What color is your hair?
very very very very very very very very very blonde

60. What did you do yesterday?
shopped and cut firewood.

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