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If it works out, it's a minor epiphany
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(written last week, but lost until now)

Okay, minor epiphany from the back bedroom at Number Seven: even the people who talk about how much they love working out really hate working out.

Now don't get me wrong. They aren't liars.

I understand this because it's happening to me. I actually find myself wanting to work out. That's right, you read it correctly: I'm starting to WANT to work out.

But here's the epiphany: no one likes the actual event. At least, not most people. Those people running down the road? Not comfortable. Not taking it easy. They are WORKING. They are telling themselves anything they can in order to git-r-done. Or they're getting way zen and simply letting any observations they have wash into, over and right on out of themselves.

The litany from my workout this afternoon began long before the workout. It began this morning when I didn't exercise before meeting a colleague at 8:00am. I felt guilty, and a little worried because if I don't work out in the morning, there is exponentially increased likelihood of talking myself out of it for several very good reasons as the day goes on.

I puttered when I got back from work, and IM'd with the Cajun in Iraq for a while. Then I tried to watch The DaVinci Code on OnDemand. Fell asleep for an hour.

When I woke up, I decided I had to treat the workout as if I had just arisen and the day was fresh. Hey! What a beautiful morning! I think I'll start my day with a workout!


But before I can work out, I need to pee, run a shallow bath and shave my legs, brush my teeth, refill my water bottle, do crunches, stretch . . .

Shut the F*** up and work out already.

Okay, but I have to put on my workout clothes. (Procrastinating...) Okay, I just have to do it.

On the machine, I think things like 'I can do anything for one minute' as I watch the timer count down 12:00, 11:59, 11:58 . . .feel the burn, 11:30 . . . what? It's only been 30 seconds? Is this thing broken?

After my one-minute sprint, I give myself two minutes at a slower pace.

I go for the full 30 minutes, burn over 300 calories, and even though I don't actually feel good, I feel pretty good.

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