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All great truths begin as blasphemies.
George Bernard Shaw
Archives for 2005

Journal Entries for 2012
Journal Entries for 2009
Journal Entries for 2007
Journal Entries for 2006
Journal Entries for 2005
Journal Entries for 2004
Journal Entries for 2003
03: booyah (3 comments)
12: where the deer and the antelope play (2 comments)
27: something something (1 comments)

20: great blue bell (2 comments)
25: briefly (3 comments)
27: hush, baby x2 (3 comments)

01: belief? (1 comments)
02: Found (0 comments)
02: ...x2 but nada worthwhile (0 comments)
05: just 'cause (4 comments)
14: queen of tween (6 comments)
17: power to the little people (2 comments)
17: i demand your pity (2 comments)
18: healing x2 (3 comments)
19: fluff (0 comments)
21: dimanche nuit (0 comments)
22: must be the weather (3 comments)
25: talking with children (0 comments)
27: makin' mufasa proud (2 comments)
28: rock your gypsy soul (5 comments)
29: such is the utopia of the mirror (0 comments)
31: location location location (0 comments)

02: ...jive ass slippers (0 comments)
08: I'm just a girl (0 comments)

18: seventh day (0 comments)

01: ad nauseam (0 comments)
10: sticks and stones, redux (0 comments)

03: 10 Books x2 (5 comments)
04: So. Yeah. Hello again. (4 comments)
06: dear akiva x3 (17 comments)
07: clean and sober (2 comments)
08: Judy Blume is my muse x4 (10 comments)
09: No, please don't double right click (4 comments)
10: turn it up (7 comments)
11: a day x4 (2 comments)
12: in this episode..x4 (11 comments)
13: no calories! 0 additives! content free! x2 (8 comments)
14: another day another dollar x4 (4 comments)
15: faux-post x3 (3 comments)
16: social graceless x2 (9 comments)
17: T minus 3.. x2 (7 comments)
18: ..2.. (w/ img; may load slow) x2 (11 comments)
19: ..1.. x2 (8 comments)
23: dear akiva II (2 comments)
24: stalled x2.5 (9 comments)
27: decisions desicions x2 (4 comments)
29: am I? really? (2 comments)
30: constant boy and kasparov (0 comments)

01: apple day x2 (5 comments)
06: time for decaf (1 comments)
10: makes me sick (5 comments)
19: just stuff (7 comments)
29: so far.. (10 comments)

08: more stuff (4 comments)
18: favourites (4 comments)
22: as I was saying (0 comments)
23: swiped (7 comments)
28: light fantastic (7 comments)

01: and I know better, dammit (6 comments)
03: I want to hear a poem about revolution (26 comments)
05: no, really (5 comments)
12: the good stuff (11 comments)
21: I'm glad you stood in my way (9 comments)
21: addendum (4 comments)
21: time warp (12 comments)
22: girly stuff x2 (4 comments)
23: ugh (12 comments)
27: 'bout time (6 comments)
30: 'tis the season.. (3 comments)

02: this entry brought to you by SinuTab (4 comments)
04: remember? (9 comments)
08: speaking of bastards.. (6 comments)
10: the one where I talk about nothing (3 comments)
22: little devastations (8 comments)
27: glorious bitchiness (7 comments)

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