Still (sur)Rendering

All great truths begin as blasphemies.
George Bernard Shaw
Archives for 2004

Journal Entries for 2012
Journal Entries for 2009
Journal Entries for 2007
Journal Entries for 2006
Journal Entries for 2005
Journal Entries for 2004
Journal Entries for 2003
02: review survey (0 comments)
03: this year, new year (0 comments)
06: day off (0 comments)
07: sigh (0 comments)
08: murder in the alley (2 comments)
22: chasm (0 comments)
23: the big four - oh (4 comments)
26: ungentleman, please (0 comments)
26: echo (0 comments)

05: crap (2 comments)
08: a penny or two (0 comments)
12: i give in (3 comments)
15: friendship (3 comments)
26: bookends x2 (2 comments)
26: mothballs (2 comments)
27: sorry folks (0 comments)
27: what not to do.. (0 comments)
29: a premature bangles' monday (0 comments)

01: where's my scythe? (1 comments)
01: trois (0 comments)
07: wooden pew, third from the back (5 comments)
11: commencement (0 comments)
13: rsvp (6 comments)
19: good ol' boys (2 comments)
19: the left at Albuquerque? x2 (0 comments)
22: I want you (2 comments)
24: 100 things (1 comments)
25: minutia (0 comments)

15: floating (0 comments)
23: quote (0 comments)
26: quote, redux (0 comments)
30: fingers crossed (0 comments)

07: didn't know I had muscles there (0 comments)
12: some fools think of happiness (0 comments)
14: mindless (0 comments)

04: vienna (0 comments)
06: on being busy (0 comments)

08: this entry contains scenes of nudity and coarse language (0 comments)
11: roadside attraction (0 comments)
13: the betweens (0 comments)
14: survivor (0 comments)
15: it's a geek thing (0 comments)
16: heh (0 comments)
16: drivel (0 comments)
23: glimpse (0 comments)
27: fata morgana (0 comments)
28: buddha v. twain (0 comments)
31: in progress (0 comments)

01: because it's easier than thinking (0 comments)
05: similar like (0 comments)
17: blatherskite (0 comments)
20: life of afterwards (0 comments)

10: skimming (0 comments)
16: glee (0 comments)
19: neurotica (0 comments)
28: chai-sipper? never touch the stuff (0 comments)

24: you know you're old when... (2 comments)

11: merry christmas to me! (0 comments)
12: warning: image heavy (6 comments)
31: fizzle (0 comments)

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