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All great truths begin as blasphemies.
George Bernard Shaw
Archives for 2003

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Journal Entries for 2003

06: country roads (redux) (1 comments)
06: huxley and potter (2 comments)
07: futility (0 comments)
18: duplicitous, I know (0 comments)
19: Pug? Simon? hell, Tanis even? (2 comments)
20: secret admirer (0 comments)
20: build a lovely house (2 comments)
21: thar be giants! (2 comments)
23: sizzle (3 comments)
23: because I'm drunk (3 comments)
24: an offer you can't refuse (0 comments)
24: later (0 comments)
25: que sera sera (2 comments)
25: silence (2 comments)
26: alittleofthis alittleofthat (0 comments)
27: 1987 (2 comments)
28: not decided yet (3 comments)
28: but mom, all the cool kids did it (0 comments)
29: "window of opportunity" (2 comments)
29: re-whine. (1 comments)
30: be vewy vewy quiet x3 (0 comments)
31: desire (9 comments)

01: antemeridian (1 comments)
02: you AND your horse, you bastard. (4 comments)
06: Suck it up, princess (7 comments)
09: not a whine, dammit!! (4 comments)
12: ahhhh (2 comments)
14: nul x 2 (2 comments)
14: more zilch. (0 comments)
14: uttered (0 comments)
15: Friday five (0 comments)
16: my kingdom for a toilet plunger! x3 (1 comments)
16: boss (0 comments)
18: drake equation (0 comments)
21: extraneous (0 comments)
22: Friday five (0 comments)
23: short and apathetic x3? 4? (0 comments)
24: relativity (0 comments)
27: and so on and so on (0 comments)
30: you betcha (0 comments)

02: Darwin is googled. (3 comments)
03: So '98 (0 comments)
05: striving for mediocrity x3 (0 comments)
09: a river in Egypt x2 (4 comments)
10: kitchen encounters x4 (2 comments)
10: one poet two moments (2 comments)
12: come and knock on my door x2 (4 comments)
14: Friday Five (I know, I know) (2 comments)
15: *happy dance* (1 comments)
15: technical difficulties (4 comments)
16: kibble (0 comments)
17: can I get fries with that? x4 (0 comments)
19: nada (0 comments)
23: a blustery day (2 comments)
25: a sticking place x2 (2 comments)
26: out-running the Grim Reaper x2 (6 comments)
28: change of subject (5 comments)
30: escaping into prison (1 comments)

02: perchance to dream (4 comments)
05: home again home again (1 comments)
06: energy is infinite (5 comments)
10: deus absconditus (3 comments)
12: chez moi (5 comments)
13: truth or dare (3 comments)
14: and so it goes (1 comments)
14: save yourself - move along. (6 comments)
15: yadda badda boo x3 (0 comments)
16: for a while, at least (0 comments)

07: ergo sum (5 comments)
07: once (4 comments)
11: blah (0 comments)
11: just one thing (2 comments)
27: repost (0 comments)
27: the reason (2 comments)
28: gawd (0 comments)
28: grey (1 comments)
28: snow (2 comments)
29: wish I may wish I might (0 comments)

02: a go of it (0 comments)
03: gran -finished elsewhere- (5 comments)
09: For Norrey (2 comments)
19: just now (2 comments)
21: oops (0 comments)
22: tis the season (0 comments)
24: this night (0 comments)
26: Christmas (0 comments)
27: non-child (2 comments)
29: recovery (2 comments)

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