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Journal Archives for 2005

Archives: 2006   2005  

30: Congratulations, it's a journal! (0 comments)
31: Sweaty day in San Jose (0 comments)
31: Um, nope. (0 comments)

01: The Hunt for the Perfect Apartment (2 comments)
01: Yay for exercise (1 comments)
02: Telephone courtesy (0 comments)
02: Bed failure (3 comments)
03: A different kind of bed failure, and also good news (0 comments)
04: The Hunt for the Perfect Apartment, Part II (0 comments)
05: The Almost Perfect Apartment (0 comments)
08: I rented it! (0 comments)
09: Too tired to think (0 comments)
10: Oh, the internal debate rages on (1 comments)
12: Jamming is so much fun! (0 comments)
13: Thanks for the link, Jed! (0 comments)
17: No more pencils, no more books... (1 comments)
20: The link experiment (0 comments)
22: Summer is here! (1 comments)
24: Sorting out apartment goo goo (0 comments)

02: I'm divorced!!! (0 comments)
07: Cosmic healing (0 comments)
07: More divorce stuff (0 comments)
10: Whiskey and kissing (0 comments)
11: Drop the "g" -- it's Whiskey and Kissin' (0 comments)
12: Check it out (2 comments)
12: Official apartment dweller, I (1 comments)
12: Hooray for the Autotainment Mall! (0 comments)
15: Why you should renew your license more than 24 hours before it expires. (1 comments)
15: More birthday fun (0 comments)
16: Out of storage, into apartment (5 comments)
19: The move continues (1 comments)
20: First night in the apt. (0 comments)
21: The party approaches! And also the internet. (0 comments)
27: Best party I ever had! (1 comments)
28: Cars, couches and accoutrements (2 comments)

03: Can't wait for my new car! (2 comments)
04: Cable, computers, and cars (0 comments)
06: I have internet! And cable tv! (0 comments)
07: Gone With the Wind.... (0 comments)
08: One small step for woman (2 comments)
11: I love power tools (2 comments)
13: My brother done graduated! (0 comments)
18: Another quickie (0 comments)
21: A little bit of moving on, a little bit of grieving too (0 comments)
30: What a week! Or is it two? (2 comments)

07: O, wonderful internet! (0 comments)
08: Two days down... (0 comments)
10: Off to the northern hinterlands (0 comments)
19: I'm baaaack... (0 comments)
30: Tired and overwhelmed (0 comments)

05: Tired, but satisfied (0 comments)
09: Making it quick (0 comments)
17: Computer stress continues, but hopefully not for long (1 comments)
31: Whoohoo, she's online again! (1 comments)

08: Stomach flu is no fun. Go figure. (0 comments)
08: I voted! (0 comments)
24: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (0 comments)
24: Congratulations, Auntie Mich! (2 comments)
26: Family gossip (0 comments)

14: Quick updates (0 comments)
19: No water for three days (0 comments)
19: I remembered what it was: intimacy (1 comments)
26: Merry post-Christmas, Happy Hannukah, etc.! (0 comments)

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